Saturday, June 6, 2015

How I Got Traffic from Goodreads to My Blog (This Blog)

I am not inventing the wheel here, but apparently I am. If you don't know what Goodreads is, this article is probably not for you.

After the opening there are no additional words. No words are needed. If you are an author, and you have a presence on Goodreads, and you have a blog, and you want to get people from Goodreads to your blog (or to eventually buy your book), this is the article for you.

I now go into Goodreads once a day. I friend anyone and everyone. I leave. That's it.

Look at the pictures. They tell how I did it.

Is Goodreads Good for You?

P.S. It took me 15 minutes to write this article, including the screenshots.


  1. Nice one Ellis. I literally live in goodreads and have found it great site with many tools for us authors to promote our writing.

  2. I have yet to figure out how it works. And, when I did try to hype my books, I got an email telling me it wasn't appropriate!

  3. I'm with Dale. I find the site enormously confusing. I guess your suggestion of going into the site and friending all sorts of people is probably a good one. Amazing.

  4. Thanks Ellis! Is there anything special you do to find "friends" on GR (i.e. search for people who have read/reviewed your books or those who have reviewed books in a similar genre)?

    Also, is there not a daily limit on the number of friend request you can make?
