Thursday, February 27, 2014

Have Faith in the Poker Bible

Regular visitors to this blog are aware that I write on a number of varied topics, from reports of my travels in Israel and Bulgaria, to book reviews and writing tips. I enjoy sharing my experiences with others. I hope that my writing will encourage people to visit the places I've gone. And I also hope that by reporting my journey to becoming a self-published author, other aspiring writers will find direction and be encouraged to pursue their own writing projects.

I wish that creative writing could be my full time occupation but like most of us, I work a full time day job. What most of you probably don't realize is that I promote online poker. My efforts are targeted at countries where online poker is legal and regulated, so U.S. citizens will not, unfortunately, become paying customers of the products and websites I promote.

That said, I think everyone will enjoy my latest creative poker project = Poker and the Bible.

Many people think that Poker evolved into the game we know only in the last 150 years, but in reality, Poker is a very ancient game. The patriarchs played Poker, as did the pharaohs of Egypt. The Poker Commandments have been guiding players for thousands of years. The ancient Poker gospel has been revealed at last as a humorous movie and a slide show.

Watch the Poker Bible Movie and read the Poker Bible.

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