Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Rakiya review - Kat Loves Books

Rakiya: Stories of Bulgaria
 by Ellis Shuman is an anthology of short stories about…you guessed it – Bulgaria. As with any anthology, I will review each short story on it’s own.

Rakiya… The spring competition of who makes the best Rakiya – an alcoholic beverage. This was okay, a story of friendship.  3 stars

Mother and Daughter… A Roma lives with her daughter above a bakery.  They live off anything they are given, or can steal.  The mother believes she is doing everything for her daughter.  This was just sad.  2 stars

Sozopol…  A writers conference turns deadly.  Really good twist.  4 stars

Three Women in Sofia… An American decides to attend classes in Bulgaria, and meets three women who taught him more than he could have expected.  Really quite good.  4 stars

Lockdown… Two young girls are charged with a crime when entering Bulgaria during lockdown.  This was a really good story.  5 stars

Overall, these stories are of a country of which I knew very little (as mentioned by the author), and he has, indeed, broadened my knowledge.  The countryside sounds wonderful, and the people diverse.  The author has incorporated attributes of human nature into these stories that are not necessarily unique to Bulgarians, but in a setting that is.  He writes very well, and the stories are entertaining, if often sad.

Read the full review of all of the stories on Kat Loves Books