
Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Gaza War, In Memes

August 2014: This article was written during a previous confrontation between Israel and the Hamas in Gaza. Please read updated information:

Where I Stand on the War in Gaza

This evening nearly one million Israeli citizens raced to safe places when sirens sounded in many areas, including Tel Aviv, warning of incoming rockets. This morning, three civilians were killed when a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip scored a direct hit on an apartment building in Kiryat Malachi. Meanwhile, Israeli aircraft continue to strike at terrorists and their rocket supplies in Gaza. Tanks congregate on the Gaza Strip border in preparation for a possible ground offensive.

The situation is very worrisome. This is war. We've fought against the Hamas terrorists in the past, given them the benefit of the doubt through periods of relative quiet, yet they continue to launch their rockets at Israeli civilians. What other country in the world would allow its citizens to come under such attacks? Israel has a right to defend itself.

The war is also taking place on the Internet, with activists sharing posts and tweets. I've collected some of the memes being shared, some of them prepared by the IDF, the Israel Project, and Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and others whose origins are unknown. I hope that this war, which started so quickly, will end just as quickly and that the citizens of Israel will no longer face the threat of rocket attacks.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you all and praying for divine peace and protection for Israel.
