
Saturday, August 31, 2024

"To Venice" - short story

I meet her on the vaporetto.

“First time in Venice?” she asks.

“Yes. I’m scouting out locations for a new film,” I reply, but then immediately regret revealing too much information. I stand near the rail, glancing at the warehouses on the waterfront as our water bus speeds toward its docking at St. Mark’s Square. I turn back to her. “What about you?”

“I’ve been here several times before,” she says. “But I keep returning.”

“I detect a British accent.”

“London.” She covers her mouth and coughs, and then says, “Born and raised there. And you? American, no doubt.”

“New York. Born and raised there.”

This makes her laugh. For the first time, I take a good look at her. Fortyish, I assume, perhaps a few years younger than me. Tall, slim, with a very pleasant face and brownish hair held tight in a youthful ponytail. Casual slacks and blouse, slightly more elegant than my own blue jeans and T-shirt emblazoned with ‘Italy’ on a tricolor flag. No wedding ring noticeable, which makes me subconsciously cover mine. Then, realizing I’m staring, I turn away, glancing at the other passengers on the morning boat ride.

Read the rest of the story on Libre.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

"Many of these stories are emotional and heartfelt"

"I had never heard of Rakiya before, but I became quickly acquainted with the knowledge that it’s a type of alcohol, or fruit spirits. Rakiya is consistently present in this short story collection. It is either the main focus of the story, as in the story titled, Rakiya, or briefly mentioned as a modest character. This book contains an impressive 12 short stories.

"I am grateful for the opportunity to read and review Rakiya. Ellis Shuman is a talented storyteller who eloquently brought Bulgaria and its characters to life. Many of these stories are emotional and heartfelt. I appreciate learning about this beautiful country and its history. "

Read the full review on A Book and A Dog

Thursday, August 15, 2024

"Enjoyed my introduction to Bulgaria and can highly recommend"

"I have never visited Bulgaria and I was intrigued when I read another review for this collection by the promise of great characters, historical elements and wonderful writing.

"My expectations were met as I read the stories covering not just the history and culture of Bulgaria and its countrymen and women, but how strong and resilient they have had to be across their long and sometimes turbulent history."

Read the full review on Smorgasbord Book Reviews

Thursday, August 1, 2024

"Place becomes almost like another character"

"Rakiya: Stories of Bulgaria give us a glimpse into the history, culture, politics, people, and traditions of Bulgaria with the most extraordinary characters and settings.

"Shuman vividly portrays Bulgaria in all its richness and beauty, the gorgeous baked goods and winning drinks whilst also showing its flaws and hardships.

"Wonderful stories."

Read the full review on Goodreads.